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Linux Instructions

The preferred way to install on Linux is by using the packaged Linux installer from the Download page at my blog. If you have installed an old version please uninstall it before upgrading to the new one. You can do this by launching the uninstall program which is inside the installation folder of jpdfbookmarks, this must be done as root user, so double click the uninstall program from a File Manager opened as root or open a terminal inside the installation folder, become root and type the command:


To use the Linux installer give the downloaded file execution permissions, this can be done right clicking on it and choosing properties on most desktop environments


or with the command:


After this launch the installer by double clicking it in the File Manager or launch it in the terminal with the command:


You will be prompted for the root password and then you will be asked for the folder where to install the program, the default folder is /usr/local/lib/jpdfbookmarks.

Now you should be able to execute the program by command-line or by clicking the shortcut in the main menu:


If this doesn't work read on for some details that can help you to solve the problem.

The  installation process extract all the needed files in the chosen directory, then create a symbolic link called jpdfbookmarks in the /usr/bin folder pointing to a launch script in the installation directory called Actually this link is what you execute when you type jpdfbookmarks in a terminal or when you click on the program launcher in the main menu. So what you should check first if something is not working is whether you have the file /usr/bin/jpdfbookmarks or not. If you don't have it you can try to create it manually. If you have it the problem could be that the directory /usr/bin is not in your PATH environment variable, try to add this folder to your PATH. Another problem can be that you don't have installed in your system a couple of utilities that the script uses, which are "readlink" and "dirname". The installation directory also contains a launch script that you can use from a terminal with the command ./jpdfbookmarks but only from inside the installation directory, The last solution is to launch the program from inside the installation directory with the command java -jar jpdfbookmarks.jar.

Debian Instructions

If you have Debian or one of its derivative, you can use the .deb package available at the Download page in my blog, I recommend to use gdebi to install it because it will resolve dependencies installing the java runtime if necessary:

 # gdebi jpdfbookmarks_1.2.3_all.deb

 otherwise you can use dpkg:

 # dpkg -i jpdfbookmarks_1.2.3_all.deb

You must  run the above commands as root.

If none of these methods work read the Universal Archive Instructions or post to my blog and i will try to help you.

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