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How to Use Rulers

The Top and Left rulers are a convenient way to precisely set offsets in bookmarks using a pdf viewer of your choice in conjunction with jpdfbookmarks.

To use the rulers click on the Rulers buttons, they will open a new window with a ruler in it, i will explain how to use the top ruler, the left one works the same in the horizontal direction:

  1. open the PDF with your reader of choice, i will use Adobe Reader, and go to the page that is the target of your bookmark;
  2. adjust the zoom to see the entire page height, on my screen 50% is ok;
  3. align the first tick of of the slider (corresponding to 0) with the start of the page;
  4. extend or reduce the ruler window so that the last tick (corresponding to 1000) will be aligned to the end of the page;
  5. now move the slider indicator to the position where you want to point your bookmark in the page and press the send button;

now you have precisely set the position where to point in the page and if you have set the rest of options you can press the "Apply" button.

The rulers are configured to stay on top of all another windows but if you find this annoying you can clear the "Always on top" check box.

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